
Welcome Everyone

Welcome Everyone
About ME


Boulder, Colorado, United States
I am a wife and mother to 4 beautiful kids. ברוכים הבאים לסימה גלעדי תכשיט עם שם. מילה. אות. וברכה מתנה נהדרת לבת/בר מצווה. יום הולדת. חתונה.ויום נישואים My goal is to reach the handmade lovers and one-of-a-kind fans from all over the world. Art & Jewelry has been my passion in my life, but to personalized jewelry FOR YOU always captured my heart. Who could resist the unique designs, the quality craftsmanship and the lasting beauty of these treasures from years gone by? Feel free to browse this lovely collection—I'm sure you'll find something you like! *Become a FAN exclusive deals & giveaways:

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i carry your heart with me

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Follow my journey on Instagram @SimaGjewelry
Follow my journey on Instagram @SimaGjewelry

Click here to view my jewelry:


Please introduce yourself and say hello. I LOVE your comments

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Gift For Him

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Say What You Want To Say ...

Say What You Want To Say ...

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SimaG Jewelry ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ jewelry handmade personalized customized jewelry #simagjewelry shop👇

Dance 💃🏼 like no one is watching • Sing 🎶 like no one is listening • Love 💗 like you've never been hurt and live like its heaven on earth 🌏

dreaming with my 👁 wide open ♡


Hello, long time no blog

hello to all of my readers
 it's been a long time since my last blog post.
have an amazing spring break

please find me on instagram under @SimaJewelry
and tag my jewelry
i would love to repost your photos

also, take 25% off with code INSTALOVE 
on my


Engrave a message of love, hope, encouragement or date. A secret words or names shared only by you & the wearer. Every man in your life will love the idea of having his own personalized necklace.

 personalized & meaningful jewelry in Hebrew & English
Wedding Gift . Bridesmaid Gift Ideas . New Mommy Necklace . 
Gift for Mother 

*Become a FAN exclusive deals & giveaways:

Hello Giveaway

"Golden Bar Necklace" is my favorite, it's so elegant ,perfectly minimal 
{goes with everything} 
your choice 16" 18" or 20"
which will be given away to "TWO" lucky winners.

Details below on how to win this:
*go to my facebook fan page
link below

* please "like and share" about this giveaway
*please "like and share" Poetry by Vivian
Good Luck Everyone
<3 br=""> *Giveaway will end on 10/31/2013 night*

Say What You Want To Say Cuff

 say what you want to say cuffs
out of stock
i'll have more in couple weeks ~ keep in touch 

My very popular sterling silver cuffs
 This cuffs quickly became everybody's favorite & has been featured worldwide in every girls #Pinterest board

 Thank you dear for coming back.
I out of the moment but i will be happy to email you as soon as i have more.
or if you wish to be part of my fan page on FB
I will post a little note

THANK YOU again for supporting handmade!

real prince don't need to kiss frogs

Real prince dont need to kiss frogs 

Thank you Insrael_green & Ilan Green for choosing Eden's photo.

Sima G

The Color Run 2013

Can you imagine running a 5K with your family and getting soaked in paint along the way?  We had an amazing time but STAY AWAY  from the blue. its the hardest color to get off of you and specially your hair {if you have light color}
 The Color Run™, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness, individuality, and giving back to the community.

have you ever done a Color Run?

Eshet chayil mi yimtza v'rachok mip'ninim michrah in Hebrew

Eshet chayil mi yimtza v'rachok mip'ninim michrah in Hebrew 
A woman of valor who can find? Her value is far beyond pearls

This is the most beautiful song connects me with the core of feminine energy 


Sima G

Please support Ethan and his fight against Neuroblastom

Hello everyone,
A friend of mine has a son that has been battling cancer since 2009.

 Please support Ethan and his fight against Neuroblastoma. 

If you buy one of these necklaces 100% of the proceeds will go to help sweet little Ethan and his family!
♥ {cost for the jewelry from $30 - $50}
If you do not want to purchase a necklace you may donate to the link below. Thank you all for your support and keep him in your prayers.
web page it had a donate button that goes to Ethan's family Paypal account. 



i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)

i carry your heart with me 

Inspired by the beautiful poem by E E Cummings

Hand Stamped By SimaG

i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
                                                      i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

{h e l l o} wild west

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
~Albert Camus

Elkhorn Stables at Estes Park, Colorado

{Hello New Angel Wing} you will forever be my always

 just love my new wing necklace 

CLOUDS ~ Inspired by the #beautiful #song R.I.P Zach Sobiech wrote and performed a farewell song to his family called #clouds ~ You Were A Huge Inspiration In Your Short Life
 Listen to the song that's inspired so many people. 
Zach Sobiech, 1995-2013 

Sima G

Thursday Giveaway ♥

small key opens big doors
Thursday Giveaway!

comment ♥ like ♥ to win this fabulous key necklace features
{note}♥ You will have until 12pm, Monday April/15th , to add your comment to Facebook eligible to win,you can enter as many times as you like.
♥Winner has 48 hours to claim prize and provide shipping address
before another winner will be randomly selected.
♥Good luck to everyone and I look forward creating your new necklace!


{Hello Thursday} Hello Giveaway

to win this fabulous necklace features
 one sterling silver & gold filled frame rim disc spersonalize with dates/word/name/initial
♥ You will have until 12pm, Monday, March 25th, to add your comment to FB eligible to win
you can enter as many times as you like.
Winner has 48 hours to claim prize and provide shipping address
before another winner will be randomly selected.
Good luck to everyone and I look forward to create your new necklace!

Hello Friday - Hello California

We had a great time at Disneyland & Disney California Adventure Park this weekend, this was a short & sweet memory for the kids!
I am back to work and ready to take orders for Mother's Day Gifts

Our favorite place ... Huntington Beach

I shot for the skyI'm stuck on the ground So why do I try, I know I'm gonna to fall down I thought I could fly so why did I drown? Never know why it's coming down ~  Jason Walker
The surfer boy at Huntington Beach in California

I wss so happy to find  our favorite chai at the Natural Products Expo West in California,
My family and  i just obsessed with chai!
 yummy..spicy ginger

and if you don’t live in Colorado, don’t worry just simply visit Bhakti Chai website and you can place your order
  well .. now you have one more reason reason to love Boulder!

 Shop Announcement About Intl Shipping:
I am happy to ship internationally 1st class with no tracking number or as a "Registered Mail"  
please contact me
International shipping typically takes about 3-4 weeks to arrive.



♥ SimaG Personalized Jewelry ♥ All rights reserved
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