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Boulder, Colorado, United States
I am a wife and mother to 4 beautiful kids. ברוכים הבאים לסימה גלעדי תכשיט עם שם. מילה. אות. וברכה מתנה נהדרת לבת/בר מצווה. יום הולדת. חתונה.ויום נישואים My goal is to reach the handmade lovers and one-of-a-kind fans from all over the world. Art & Jewelry has been my passion in my life, but to personalized jewelry FOR YOU always captured my heart. Who could resist the unique designs, the quality craftsmanship and the lasting beauty of these treasures from years gone by? Feel free to browse this lovely collection—I'm sure you'll find something you like! *Become a FAN exclusive deals & giveaways:

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GIVEAWAY - key to your ♥ { heart} necklace

1. To enter my giveaway, simply leave a comment on this blog post telling me:
What's Your Inspirational Words of Wisdom
{soon my older daughter is running off to college}
In order to officially enter the contest, you need to follow Simagjewelry on bloger
or/and become my fan on facebook
Please include your e-mail address, so that I may contact you if you are the winner.
2. Leave me a comment on this post between
JUNE/16.2010 - June/30 2010
A winner will be announced on July 1st, 2010 using Love, Sima G


The Royal Family :

how I wasn't already following your blog I dont know. Thanks for the chance.


sue :

Hmmmm inspirational words of wisdom. Live life through the eyes of your child. I look into my beautiful baby boys' eyes and see my future and my legacy. I want to pass down to him the memories, stories and history of our family. I want to give him the tools to become a gentleman, be kind to others and take care of the earth.
Another wonderful giveaway Sima. Thank you for the opportunity.
Susan Frey

Jennie Johnson :

First of all enjoy and live in the moment.. Secondly...dont forget to indulge yourself once and awhile. Mommys give much love and deserve it in return. With that said.. ROCK AND ROLL! Love you...Jennie Johnson

Lisa :

Carpe diem.

Silvia SF :

Hmmmm inspirational words of wisdom. Difficult!!! Do your best and help the rest acttitude because the world need our help to be a better place.

Julie :

"Do not pray for an easy life, pray to be a strong person"
I am a HUGE FB fan!!!
Julie :)
juliecampbell (at) kidslovespanish (dot) com

Anonymous :

ummmm "Find life experiences and swallow them whole. Travel. Meet many people. Go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys. Try everything. Exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life." :)

thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous :

Some friends will fade, and some friends will last a lifetime.

Amber :

I follow your blog and my inspiration words are to live in the moment and appreciate the small things!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous :

Find balance. Don't over-commit. Find true friends and keep them close. Love your family no matter what.

Anonymous :

Sima - cool givaway. Sorry I'm not a good blogger follower - but like the words of wisdom thing.
Here are a couple quotes I like (though somtimes I can't remember the speaker)
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't - you're right."
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Elenor Rosevelt.

Anonymous :

I just graduated college, and I would tell your daughter to join clubs and participate in as many activities as possible, because the college years go by fast :)


Lilly :

This one by Aristotle is my favorite:
"Happiness depends upon ourselves."
Thanks a lot for the chance to win this lovely necklace!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

nrodiles :

Trust that the morals and values that you have instilled in her will carry her through this new journey of her life and will help her to survive and thrive in becoming the fine young woman that you wish for her to become!

Anonymous :

My inspirational words of wisdom: Karma; what goes around, comes around. I truely believe this and I live it each and everyday. There is not a moment of my fulfilled life that karma comes my way. I am truely blessed each day I wake to the glorious world with gracious, giving friends of the etsy community, artfire community and other venues that I belong to. I am so glad to be a part of the crafting talents among my world! There are so many people to mention, but I am greatful every day because of them. My family is my first and foremost contributor and they support me just as much if not more than my friends here online. Thank you for having this challenging contest give-away you bring to us and I am truely greatful for knowing you. I follow your blog, facebook, and twitter as well as visit your beautiful shop. You are a fabulous designer and true inspiration to all of us!!!
Laurie @ kottagekreations2009@yahoo(dot)com

Raquel :

I follow your blog and became a fan on FB!

BRose :

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
---Louisa May Alcott

Oh, My Darling :

I follow, and my favorite wisdom is a phrase my dad always says: "don't tell me what you're going to do, but show me what you've done." omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Linda Kish :

The Golden Rule has always been my way of life.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

very married :


I love this from the musical RENT:

Forget regret or life is yours to miss.

Daniella :

Love your blog and the key to my heart necklace is fabulous! My words of widsom that we live by are....
Keep it Simple and....
One Day at a Time

Samy :

Be the best you that you can be!

samyrocks92 at msn dot com

I'm following on both :)

Anonymous :

I'm a blog follower as Janinay. :P

My dad was the one who gave me these words: It takes little to be nice, so always be nice. And stay humble and don't let success get into your head. Also to always honor my parents. :)

Anonymous :

Btw, my eadd is


janetfaye :

My favorite words of wisdom:
The more happiness we bring to others, the happier we ourselves become.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye :

I follow your blog - janetfaye

I like you on Facebook - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Jenny Bolech :

I follow you on your blog and on your facebook. My advice is act like the person you want to become, and don't be too hard on yourself (I have to remind myself to follow that one all the time!)

jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

Kelli Lee :

My advise would be not to worry too much about what others think; just focus on what's important to you.

I'm a follower (Kelli Lee)! Thanks for the chance to win.


SimaG Jewelry :


Thank You EVERYONEEeEeEeEe for all your comments..Leah and I enjoy reading them.


SimaG Jewelry :

Hello Everyone & Happy July.

►★We have {2} winners for the key necklace★◄
"Oh, My Darling"
"Kottage Kreations"

SimaG Jewelry :

►★We have {2} winners for the key necklace★◄

"Oh, My Darling" and "Kottage Kreations"

SimaG Jewelry :


Thank You EVERYONEEeEeEeEe for all your comments..Leah and I enjoy reading them.

►★We have {2} winners for the key necklace★◄
"Oh, My Darling"
"Kottage Kreations"


Oh, My Darling :

Hi there! I just saw your comment on my blog that I'm the lucky winner! Thanks so much, I am super excited about this. I tried to find your email address to get in touch, but only found the "contact you" option on your SimaG website. Anyway, just commenting here to make sure that you received my message -- I'd love to hear from you (omydarlingblog-at-gmail-dot-com) about what I need to do to receive the lovely necklace!

Thanks, Melissa

hiyaluv :

lovely necklace!


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