tiny heart as a reminder to enjoy the little things in your life
leave a comment please letting me know why you want to win this tiny heart necklaceTWEET about this giveaway & let me know.
LIKE my facebook fan page
& comments please
{2}WINNERS will be chosen on:: October 30th, 2011
Winners will be chosen at random using random.org
Winner will have 3 business days to respond, otherwise an alternate winner will be selected.
Sometimes the most romantic thing you can do is use these romantic words...

one latte for me & one hot coco for him
i love you M&M'S heart
My new heart photos
Have a fabulous weekend,
Hi Sima! I love the tiny heart necklace. Please enter me for the drawing! Thanks, Jill Hella.
this little heart reminds me of the fact that with love,you can get through anything<3
So pretty! I love hearts and it would be awesome to add to my collection.
cyclona 66 aol dot com
facebook fan(crystal marie)
cyclona66 at aol dot com
the small heart reminds me of how fragile i am. i know that cute heart necklace is perfect for me <3
punkme15 at gmail dot com
i am an FB fan
FB name: Jung Rae Woo
punkme15 at gmail dot com
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/jelaiii_x/status/125616377695444992
punkme15 at gmail dot com
This small heart is a reminder that no matter the situation you will always have faith, love, courange, and happiness go on.
It's all small and fragile-looking and cute!
Facebook Fan
Isabella Cheng
Hi Sima,
I love the tiny heart and I know my daughter would adore it too! I do love your work! Beautiful photos too!
xo anie
hi! looking forward to my custom necklace! and your tiny heart necklace would look great with it!
Hi Sima! I would love to be entered in the drawing. I liked your Facebook page, tweeted about your giveaway, and entering here!
If I won this delicate little necklace, I would wear it in honor of Angelica's twin, our darling Francesca.
I love this necklace: it's delicate and romantic. It'll look great with any outfit on any occasion) I love hearts in jewelry
i like SimaG Jewelry on FB: Olesia Flegka
I tweeted about this lovely giveaway:
I would love to win this necklace! My husband and I are trying to conceive, but we've lost two pregnancys. This necklace would inspire me to believe that miracles can happen and to have faith :)
I liked you on FB!
If i win this cute necklace, i will give it to my best friend, because her birthday will be in november 10th. It will be a beautiful present for her.
I like your facebook page as Gréta Gávai
and i tweeted your giveaway as missmorcoska
I'd love this because it would be fun to wear on my honeymoon this winter!
I extremely love that tiny heart necklace because it reminds me of my lost bracelet. Loveeeeee
ckaylie777 at hotmail dot com
I also liked your facebook under Kaylie Nguyen and this is my tweet
P.S: I love your shop and I did heart your shop in etsy under ckaylie777 :D ( just for fun)
ckaylie777 at hotmail dot com
I'd love to wear to this necklace to remember God's love for me.
sonflower277 at gmai dot com
Love all your heart pictures! The little heart necklace is so sweet. A little love can go a long ways!
lisa.otis6 at gmail dot com
I'd love to win this tiny heart necklace because it's so delicate and lovely!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I tweeted about the giveaway, I'm @AmberGoo;
Thank you for the giveaway
Hi! I don't have a facebook, but I am your new follower:). I follow you via GFC as Aglolga:).
I would love to win this adorable necklace! I've been looking for ages for something like that. I would wear it everyday. I agree, it reminds of enjoying every single minute of our life, but also shows that size doesn't matter. You can have a tiny heart, but when you are good to other people, your heart is like a treasure. The greatest treasure in the world.
I want it because it's so pretty! This would be great for wearing everyday. I love the simplicity of it
angela_jeon { a t} y a h o o o{ d ot } c o m
I want to give it to my mom! joyfulcooking@gmail.com
I liked you on facebook!
I love the sliver toggle bracelet! joyfulcooking@gmail.com
I would love to have this tiny heart necklace because I lost a heart necklace that was given to me as a baby, and that broke my heart, so this would help to heal it. :)
contactlillea at gmail dot com
contactlillea at gmail dot com
I would love to win this necklace. It is so pretty and dainty! I tweeted and liked on Facebook.
i would love to win this for my sister. it's super cute.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway. I want to win this tiny heart necklace in celebration of my new job. I am beyond thrilled to not only have a job, but to have a job I actually enjoy.
I "like" you on Facebook - Cindy A.
Hey I love that necklace its so sweet! Enter me for the drawing, please!
I liked your page on facebook.
I wanna win it for my best friend. She'll be celebrating her birthday this Nov. 1. But I don't want to scare her.
itinbcalvo at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of Simag on facebook - Itin Bique Calvo
itinbcalvo at gmail dot com
There's something so sweet about a simple love heart. I'm getting married next week and having a baby in a months time so there is a lot of love happening in my world right now! That necklace would be a perfect reminder of this time in my life. x
jogblogjog at gmail dot com.
I want to win this heart necklace because it's really stunning and I do love hearts in general! Have them hanging all over my bedroom :-)
Your FB fan Lucky-Angel And-Giveaways
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/yulya_shenka/status/127346501058965504
Hello! This necklace is so sweet! Heart necklaces look too girly when they're big, so I think this is the perfect size. It's that kind of necklace that, being simple, calls people's attention; when you see it from a little far you wonder what shape it has, and when close enough you realize it's a pretty little heart...I think it's lovely, really!
hello there, beautiful giveaway!
I like your tiny necklace because of its simplicity and unique, love it to give to my daughter on her birthday on November 22
silverlilacc at hotmail dot com
Like your fb page:
name: Irmz Lagz and shared on my wall
tweet the giveaway:
silverlilacc at hotmail dot com
Already follower of this blog
silverlilacc at hotmail dot com
That necklace is so beautiful and is the perfect reminder that love conquers everything!
I also liked your Facebook page :) your jewelry is beautiful!
I would love to win this necklace because I think it would be a lovely present for my daughter. sugary79@aol.com
It's so pretty!
I want to win this adorable little necklace because its beautiful and I love the message behind it. To often we forget to appreciate the little things.
I already like you on facebook :D but I left a new comment (same name)
I would love to win this little heart and wear it as a reminder that kindness and generosity can be given and received from those we don't even know....
Thank you for the lovely giveaway!!
I would like to win this necklace because every time I'd wear it, it would remind me of the acts of kindness people have done for me and others. Inspiring me to do the same... :)
ModernButtercup on Etsy.
i want to tin because this is such a cute tiny heart, and i like necklaces like this!
my email: fatimagill@live.com
facebook name: Fatema Gill
tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/FatemaGill/status/127591059202129921
I would love to win this necklace because it represents that I simply love life. I am so blessed.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Like you on Facebook as Diana Z.
goldiez at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love how tiny the heart is, no other reason than liking it. ambrerose at{aol}dot{com}
I love heart necklaces!
roniros (at) gmail.com
FB fan (as Roni Rosenzweig)
roniros (at) gmail.com
This necklace is so cute! I'd love to win it :)
cam22190 at gmail
I would like to win because I love everything hearts
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
liked your fb page
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com
Sharon Siqueiros already likes you on FB
Lovely! I would like to win the necklace because it's absolutely beautiful, and I hardly have any heart themed jewelry. It's about time I changed that :)
So cute! I would love to win this for my cousin who's away at college right now.
I think this necklace is lovely. I'd love to wear it. If I won it, I would want to wear it on my wedding day!
abigail.lee {aT} gmail.com
Would love to win b/c it is just lovely! So sweet, pretty and delicate!
littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com
i would love to win this because i want this to give to my daughter to show my love to her.
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
gustosa giveaways fb follower
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
I would like to win because I love hearts! Anything with hearts on it!
My email is on my blog:
Born To Be Styled
I'd love to win this tiny heart necklace as a gift for my mother. This little charm represents my love for my mother - although it seems small, but on the inside, it's overflowing with love.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a Facebook fan - Aik Chien
aikychien at yahoo dot com
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I would love to win necklace
Fan of SimaG Jewelry on fb=Lyudmila Sizova
lusizova at gmail.com
Love makes the world go around!
I want to win this little heart exactly for the thing you stated: to remind me to enjoy the little things in life, I have a tendency to overlook them, especially when I am too busy!
oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com
Fb fan of your page: Oana Catalina
oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/kittyqtza/status/128563025224536064
oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com
I'd love to win because it's beautiful, and it would symbolize my love for the little one growing inside of me!
tannis_z at excite dot com
like your page on facebook
Tannis W
tannis_z at excite dot com
the little heart reminds me of the people i love <3
i'm a facebook fan as :Nada nadox
tweeted :
I <3 hearts! this one is so very perfect for that little black dress!
i like your fb page. I'm Dawn Baley Hausker on fb. TY!
I'd love to give this to my oldest daughter who has gone to live interstate and is feeling a little lonely I think. It will be a reminder that I am with her everyday.
I would love to win this for my oldest granddaughter so every time she looks at it she will be reminded how much I love her.
Thanks for the beautiful giveaway.
dbkagrayson2002 at gmail dot com
i love this little heart, it reminds me of my love for my beloveds and their love for me. i have a wrist tattoo, i carry your heart... so that i always have them with me. i am a fb fan already! love your work.
I'd love to win the tiny heart to give to my daughter.
fastkat at gmail dot com
This love jewelry is very cute and simple. Without lot effort, it is accesorize much :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me
Hi, I already fan of you in FB name doki doki co :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me
I spread words about giveaway in twitter here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/129437183122743296
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I would love to win this awesome necklace to give to my daughter, she likes hearts!
erinchris07 at gmail.com
I really like it because its so dainty and cute.
i liked you on facebook.
k_rampersad03 at hotmail dot com
I love this necklace bc it's sweet and dainty
i want to win bc i don't know a heart necklace and this one IS PERFECT!!! jmmccarr@gmail.com
I want to win this tiny heart necklace because it is so delicate and lovely. Thanks!
I Like you on Facebook - Cynthia M Richardson
I am already a huge fan (on facebook too) and the heart necklace is just so sweet.
Would love to win thanks
tarman 120 at comcast dot net
I like you on fb
tarman 120 at comcast dot net
Would love to win the necklace because it is beautiful! :)
I want to win this as a reminder to myself that I am loved.
Hello Monday Everyone,
I have a feeling it’s going to be a fabulous week!!!
Thank you so much for joining my giveaway & thank you to everyone
who has commented so far on my blog, FB & Twitter.
I received over 4,000 views on my blog post.
I am going over all the entries & I will choose a winner by Random.org.
Then I'll post {2} names of the winners on Monday morning.
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